Category: Article

Let’s open Pandora’s box… The investment you make in a coaching session or in your coaching process, depends on your goal and some additional factors. From my perspective the main factors are: Coach Training and certifications: it is important that your coach has a good and solid training. In terms of time, I would say [...]

How much does a coaching session cost?

Let’s get serious… Top 3 questions every coachee should ask themselves before starting a Coaching process. What is my goal? If asking yourself this question seems difficult to answer, start by asking yourself: what do I want to change? What am I not happy about? What is it that I have tried to change but [...]

Ready for coaching?

Let's find out... Out of curiosity, I have personally searched what is coaching via a search engine in the internet and found more than 2 billion results!!! Quite a few of them are from various coaching associations; some others from fellow coaches, who offer their services; etc. Although I can relate in more than one [...]

What is Coaching?